Social work and community services are a support service to the British Forces Cyprus (BFC) community. We provide advice and guidance to individuals and families on a variety of issues such as emotional health and wellbeing, parenting, family or relationship issues, financial difficulties or victims of crime.
Polaris Children’s Services is an independent provider of children’s services across the UK and the British military around the world. From 1st July 2020, the service will now be known as British Forces Social Work Service & Community Support Cyprus. We will continue to work in partnership with stakeholders to deliver high quality services to serving personnel, both individuals and families.
“To make a positive and lasting difference to children, families and adults, in the military communities we serve. We will achieve this through the delivery of a responsive, safe and high quality Social Work Service working together with people who use our Services as well as partner agencies. This is based on our belief that Service Personnel and their families should have access to the same standards of care and support they would receive if they were based in the UK.”
This is supported by our five key objectives:
a whole-system approach

exemplary and effective evidence-based practice
promotion of good emotional health and wellbeing, and building resilience
promoting achievement, attainment and active citizenship for our children and young people
supporting a ‘Firm Base’ for the military community
​BFSWS Cyprus is thrilled to announce the opening of nominations for the 2024 Young Stars Awards. This event aims to recognise and celebrate the outstanding contributions and accomplishments of young individuals within British Forces Cyprus who have demonstrated exceptional talent, leadership and dedication in various fields.


Prevention & Safeguarding Services for Children & Adults

Early Help Offer

Care Leavers Support

Parenting Programmes

Adoption Advice & Signposting

Foster Carer Registration, Training & Support

Personal Family Support Service

Confidential & Advisory Listening Service

Domestic Abuse Intervention Programme
Relationship Issues
Debt Management

Substance Misuse Intervention & Support

Behaviour Management Programmes for Children & Adults

Volunteer Service

Information, Advice & Consultation

Support to Command Personnel

Training, Learning & Support Services

Safeguarding Training for partners and stakeholders

Childminding Registration Support & Training

Victim & Witness Support Services
Loss & Bereavement
If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of a child, young person, or adult, or would like some support, advice or guidance in relation to social care issues, please contact BFSWS Cyprus Single Point of Contact (SPOC) on:
t: (00 357) 2596 3609
Akrotiri Social Work,
The Oval,
RAF Akrotiri, BFPO 57
Episkopi Social Work,
E Block,
Episkopi, BFPO 53
ESBA Social Work,
MRS Centre,
Dhekelia, BFPO 58
Office hours are 7.00am to 3.00pm.
To contact a Social Worker (in emergencies only) outside of these hours, please call (00 357) 9777 1252
Leaving Children Home AloneDeciding if your child is ready to be left home alone can be a tricky decision. There are lots of things to think about. Plus, there are no hard and fast ‘home alone’ rules or laws because every child is different. Click here for more information and support on this topic.
BullyingParents and carers have to be alert to the possibility of bullying and must always take action if they think their own or other children are being bullied. Don’t just think it will go away, or that ‘it’s just kids being kids’. Click here for more information and support on this topic.
Domestic Abuse & ViolenceDomestic Violence and Abuse is a crime and a major social problem affecting many families. The Ministry Of Defence has a zero tolerance policy regarding Domestic Violence and Abuse - you should hesitate to call the Military Police who can help you. Click here for more information and support on this topic.
Sexual ExploitationSexual Exploitation (SE) can happen in person or online. An abuser will gain a child's trust or control them through violence or blackmail before moving onto sexually abusing them. This can happen in a short period of time Click here for more information and support on this topic.
Private FosteringDo you know someone who is caring, or intending to care, for someone else’s child? If this is for more than 28 days and not by a close family member then this is a Private Fostering arrangement and BFSWS MUST be notified. Click here to read our guide on private fostering.
Service Overview
Read more about some of our services or download referral forms below:

If you suspect or believe a child or adult is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm, including any form of mistreatment or abuse, or if you are concerned about your own behaviour and need advice or support, you should contact us (numbers above) or the emergency services on 112.
Leaving Children Home AloneDeciding if your child is ready to be left home alone can be a tricky decision. There are lots of things to think about. Plus, there are no hard and fast ‘home alone’ rules or laws because every child is different. Click here for more information and support on this topic.
BullyingParents and carers have to be alert to the possibility of bullying and must always take action if they think their own or other children are being bullied. Don’t just think it will go away, or that ‘it’s just kids being kids’. Click here for more information and support on this topic.
Domestic Abuse & ViolenceDomestic Violence and Abuse is a crime and a major social problem affecting many families. The Ministry Of Defence has a zero tolerance policy regarding Domestic Violence and Abuse - you should hesitate to call the Military Police who can help you. Click here for more information and support on this topic.
Sexual ExploitationSexual Exploitation (SE) can happen in person or online. An abuser will gain a child's trust or control them through violence or blackmail before moving onto sexually abusing them. This can happen in a short period of time Click here for more information and support on this topic.
Private FosteringDo you know someone who is caring, or intending to care, for someone else’s child? If this is for more than 28 days and not by a close family member then this is a Private Fostering arrangement and BFSWS MUST be notified. Click here to read our guide on private fostering.
Service Overview
Any other enquiries please contact us at contactuscyprus@forcessocialwork.com